Posts in health & wellness
Many Complications to Pharmaceutical Treatment

When Susan, a 56-year old, advertising executive began experiencing pain in the back of her heel, she immediately attributed it to her new exercise regimen. Surprising, since it only consisted of walking farther, and more often. She wasn’t yet doing any treadmill work, or the yoga she was hoping to return to. Her fitness plan was largely due to the weight gain she had experienced over the last years, which had been steady, and quite disconcerting. Yet, over-all, her health was good. She did have a urinary tract infection some months ago, which had dragged on for weeks before an antibiotic knocked it out.

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Modern Science Battles Ancient Tradition Over Acupuncture

So you have back pain, and you’re suffering. How many activities, actions, and tasks don’t involve the back? Ask anyone with a chronic and painful condition that is causing back pain, and you will get an immediate response: NONE! How to find relief? What to do if the usual first-line treatments for this problem have been attempted, with inadequate benefits obtained? Injection therapy, a brace, physical therapy, these and many others may be utilized in the treatment of chronic back pain, but it is not infrequent that these fail.

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Diabetic Education Can Save Lives

Regular readers of this column will be well acquainted with the topic of diabetes, and especially some of the lower extremity complications. These facts bear repeating, partially because diabetes is now epidemic, but also because some of the most harmful and dangerous effects of this disease are preventable. I am referring specifically to lower extremity amputations, a life-changing event, in more ways than one.

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